If you are like many adults out there, you may find yourself perplexed with many of today’s technological advances. It is almost impossible to get through the day without a cell phone in modern times. Simply arriving at new destination seems to require navigation assistance from a smart phone. You can get used to the new way of doing things with a little help. Fold up your paper maps and get ready to use your GPS, text, email, and tweet. There is hope for you, after all.
Child’s Play
It goes without saying that kids always seem to figure things out before we expect them to. Technology is no exception. Your kids have probably been exposed to everything you are trying to figure out, already. Between school and friends houses, your kids have most likely accumulated enough information to serve as your own personal tech support. Don’t feel bad, without you they would not have learned to use the toilet or eat with a fork. Ask the little monsters for help, and listen to what they have to say. Throw in a little ice cream to say “thank you” and you have an ever willing assistant in your quest for knowledge.
Try Out Some Online Tutorials
If you have some decent computer skills, do a simple search for tutorials. These are not limited to instruction manuals. You can watch a variety of videos aimed at getting you off to a successful start with your new iPhone. The videos are especially helpful due to the fact that you can see exactly how another person is manipulating the phone, screen and buttons. You can also pause the videos while you practice and move at your own pace.
Head Back to the Store
Do not feel bad at all if you have an arsenal of questions for your sales person. If you were too embarrassed to speak up when you made your iPhone purchase, go on back. Simply explain that you are new at owning a smart phone and need some help. Most likely, you will be met with a kind lesson in the art of iPhone interaction. There is probably also a captive audience of customers that wouldn’t mind answering some questions while they wait their turn in line.

Do Not Throw Away the Manual
You may take one look at the inch thick book Apple calls a manual and you find yourself longing for the days of the rotary phone. Spare this conglomeration of technological jargon a trip to the trash can, you really might get some help from it. The instructions go from set up advice to more advanced uses. Go ahead and take a look at the manual to help guide you on your way. Once you figure it out, you can save the planet by recycling it.
Call Tech Support
Assuming you have at least figured out how to make a phone call on your new iPhone, make use of the tech support phone number provided in your manual or contract. You may want to call from another phone, however, so that your iPhone is free to practice on while you talk to the representative. This option is for all of you who wish to remain anonymous to some extent. No one has to know you could not find the message icon displayed in plain sight or that you locked yourself out of your own phone. Enjoy the reassuring voice of someone who is truly there to help. You are not alone in your newfound adventure with modern technology. Many adults procrastinate when it comes to joining the smart phone community. Some of us had our beloved flip phones pried from our resisting hands. You, too, can make a positive change and learn to love your smart phone with a little effort and support.