Ever since the release of the iOS 6, people have been looking to make a jailbreak package available for this operating system. Fortunately for some users, the iOS 6 jailbreak is now available and the process is simple enough for anyone to perform it.
Connect the phone to the PC/Mac. In Windows, go to the folder where you downloaded redsn0w, right click on the executable and select Properties from the menu which appears, go to Compatibility and check Run this program in compatibility mode. Then select Windows XP, click Apply and then OK. From the main menu of redsn0w, navigate to Extras, select IPSW and load your iOS IPSW. After loading, press “back” to return to the main menu of redsn0w, where you will press the jailbreak button. Now you need to switch your phone to DFU MODE. First close the terminal, then press Jailbreak and Next and redsn0w will show you how to enter phone in DFU Mode.
After you implement some exploits, redsn0w will display a screen that provides some options. You must check “Cydia” to install it and if you can install custom bundle sites, you can add vouchers that can activate and deactivate the jailbreak that your iPhone already has. Select the desired option, click Next and redsn0w will begin the jailbreaking process.
If all goes well, you should have a jailbroken iPhone but, unfortunately, the “fun” does not stop there. While your phone now has jailbreak, you have a tethered jailbreak and need to complete a series of steps in order to boot in tethered mode and use your jailbreak iOS 6. Put your phone back in DFU mode. Choose the IPSW again and from that menu, select the “Just Boot” button and redsn0w will restart the tethered phone and you can use your jailbroken iPhone with no trouble at all.