Pranking your friends and family is a popular pastime for many people. The mobile has made this practice more accessible due to the many pranking apps available to download. These apps can be used to create a variety of pranks, such as making someone’s phone ring and then hang up, sending a person an email with an attachment that will not open, and sending someone a fake text message.
Broken Screen
One way to generate a significant impact and have fun with those around you is by breaking your phone’s screen. This app simulates a cracked screen by simply pressing your finger against it. A broken screen app is an excellent way to scare friends and family members around you into thinking your device has smashed up.
Lie Detector Face Test Prank
This app can be helpful when trying to detect whether someone is lying. This app lets you specify the result type you want or configure it to give random results. The prank starts by asking weird questions and picking any of the pictures they snapped as the person was talking. The app then performs a supposed face scan to give a funny result that is later revealed.
Hair Clipper Prank
Your phone becomes a noisy electric razor in this application, allowing you to give your friends or family realistic bumps, giving them the impression that you are removing a lot of their hair. In addition, the app will make your phone start vibrating and emitting a sound similar to an electric shaver so that you can prank your friends.

Ghost in Photo Prank
Ghost in Photo Prank is a great app if you like to scare people with pranks! It offers a wide range of creepy filters and ghost effects. Ghosts can sometimes be hard to see, but this app has an editor that lets you adjust transparency or sharpness levels to make them seem realistic. It also has an editor that enables you to add other elements to your experience, like sounds.
Voice changer
Voice memos are a simple way to share impressions and thoughts. For example, if you want to sound drunk, try using a lower pitch and speed. Alternatively, if you have a child’s voice on your device, use that as a voice memo. This app lets you choose between different effects when you record your voice. You can also modify one of the recordings you’ve made in the past and spicy it more.
PrankDial allows you to select different types of phone pranks. These range from someone who gets frequent prank calls from another person to a telemarketer who fancies talking to the person or one of the banks announcing that it’s withdrawing all credit cards. PrankDial is available on both the app and on the website. All you need to do is pick any prank you want and enter the phone number of who you’re sending it!