With the present being what it is, it is not strange that so many of us have started looking towards the future and what it could bring. From Tarot to Astrology, there are many ways to discern what Fortuna holds for us. And, for those still learning here are some of the best Tarot apps on the market to help you on the way.
To figure out what is the best app for you to start with you will need to look for three things:
- Knowledgebase
- User interface
- Quick overviews
Regretfully, no app will help you gain the deepest possible knowledge about reading Tarot because of the number of variables that may occur in each reading. But, for those who want a window to figure out the basics, this is a great and easy way to start.
Additionally, you can mix and match your Tarot reading with your horoscope and Astrology for the best possible results. This might include websites like astrotarot.net, or other apps that you can use on your smartphone.
A Rise in Witchy Apps
While there are some evil eyes watching over the proliferation of ‘’witchy’’ apps and culture with the idea that it may be watering down the true meaning of the craft, the rise in popularity is both to be expected and welcomed by the wider community.
Opposite to popular belief, the craft was never a purist one to begin with. Since time immemorial it is a craft filled with trials and errors and the more people contributing the more we all know about what hides behind the veil.
That is why you should try, even if you don’t have a covenant to connect to locally. Speak with sisters and brothers online and it is certain that you will find a global community of practitioners that are more than willing to help you on your journey.
Experienced practitioners know that we are all connected, and the benefit you experience as a novice is beneficial to everyone around you.
Tarot Dealing vs. Tarot Reading

While there are some apps meant for entertainment purposes that will let you open cards like from a deck, this is not a good way to conduct a Tarot reading, even for yourself. You will need a dedicated personal deck that will have a resonance with yourself.
But, you can use an app to figure out what the hand you have meant. Many of the apps will disclose the meaning of the upright and reversed cards, as well as how they might work in concordance.
Ideally, you will want to use them while your hand is still open in front of you and write down the information you find.
For those who are new to the craft, simply go slowly and learn by experience. No Tarot reading will give you pinpoint information and there are many things that can influence a single hand on any given day. But, if you are diligent and patient you will advance quite quickly.
#1 Labyrinthos Tarot Reading
Labyrinthos, contrary to the name, is meant to lead you through the maze of Tarot reading and the website even sells decks and has other explanations that will help you on the way.
The depth of the information they provide as well as the ease you can navigate through the app makes it one of the best choices for novice Tarot readers. And, if you are using their cards specifically you will have an even easier time distinguishing what your reading tells you.
#2 Tarot Card Memorizer
Although new practitioners might find this app to be slightly barebones, it is a great tool for a quick checkup for core concepts for those who are already familiar with the meaning and reading of the deck.
Basically, it is a collection of flashcards that you can use to quickly refer to your reading and check if you are getting all of the information correctly.
#3 Tarot Card Reading & Astrology
This is a quick app and while it is mostly for entertainment purposes, it has some benefits for those yet learning both Tarot and astrology.
The app allows you to instantly answer some of the questions you might have about your deck or about your astral alignment and thus can be used as a great tool to assist in the learning process.
But, it shouldn’t be used alone and without guidance as many of the core concepts are lacking from the app.
#4 The Fool’s Dog
Active for more than 4 years, this website and app is an amazing resource for everyone who wants to learn and improve their Tarot reading. Even if you are experienced and have a good grasp of the craft, you will benefit from having this app on your phone.
They have dozens of apps depending on your deck and preference, and you can use any one of them to know both the meaning and the connection of the cards.
Also, all of the explanations are made simple and understandable and unlike some of the books out there you won’t need a glossary to read the glossary.