If you try to download app and you get an error “App could not be downloaded at this time” just like our Facebook fan get, then you should read this conversation between us and him…
Here is our conversation with our dear anonymous fan.
Anonymous fan:
Hi please i need help i was trying to download apps on my iphone but an error message shows up all the time saying this app could not be loaded at this time i reset my phone for a couple times but nothing changed ! Thank you
Iphone Geeks Stuff:
Do you have latest version of iOS? Did download work OK before? You can always post your problem on our site so other visitors can help you.
Anonymous fan:
Okay thank you! I have an iphone4 IOS 7.1.2
And yes before it was working normally good
Iphone Geeks Stuff:
Which app did you install last? Did you try to install app through iTunes?
Anonymous fan:
Anonymous fan sent us picture. (click here to see picture)
Iphone Geeks Stuff:
Try this: Go to Settings > General > Date and Time > Set Automatically > Off. Set the date one year ahead. Try to download or update the apps again. If you get an error message, go back to the settings. Correct the date and time (set automatically) then go back and try to download or update the apps again.
Maybe this looks stupid but this actually fix problem for some users. If don’t, we will try some more method to fix this. Hope we will fix it at the end day. 🙂
Anonymous fan:
🙂 actually it worked i set the date one year ahead and it worked for the paused apps but when i tried to download a new app it refuses without showing the error message and i set again the date automatically and now its working normally as before
I really want to thank you so much for your help i apreciate that
Iphone Geeks Stuff:
Yes, weird problem and we are glad this help you out. No problem mate. We are here to help our users. Feel free to post your problem on our site, Facebook page or contact us in inbox at any point of time. Iphone Geeks Stuff
Anonymous fan:
Okay thank you